Northwest Arkansas Bassmasters

Club Minutes

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NWA Bassmasters

Meeting Minutes – November 11, 2013

Attendance – Dan

Harvey Horne

Chuck Rexford

Scott Robertson

Brad Hollowell

Randy McKee

Mark Pifer

Dan O’Keefe

Jay Hunt


Raymond Phillips

Clay Breeden


Dewey Larson

Richard Irvin


Jesse Cruz

Roy Brunson



Review/Approve Prior Minutes – Harvey

·         October minutes approved


·         None

Treasurer’s Report – Randy

·         Current Balance – $3591.47

·         Incoming Funds – $1067 deposited recently, $1795 from raffle tickets will be deposited soon.

·         Recent Expenditures – $N/A

NWA Junior Bassmasters Report – Roy

·         2 day tournament on Beaver 2 weeks ago – a few members helped as boat captains

·         Two man teams are formed for the full year versus changing every tournament.

·         Next tournament is December 1 on Swepco and then on January 5 for last tournament of season

BASS Nation State Report – Randy

·         Next state meeting is December 8. Need club roster cleaned up and sent to Randy (Dan/Harvey).

·         Reminder that dues are now $85 and are due at the December meeting.

Old Business – Harvey

·         Club Jerseys – Dan

o   Brad’s allocated their funds elsewhere for next year, but would be interested in us contacting them about 2015. Dan has a call out to Battery Outfitters. Hart Tackle Company is interested in a major ad space. Still looking for ideas/contacts for other major advertisers.

o   Agreed that we’d like to offer AQ Chicken a spot at no charge in appreciation for their service to us.

New Business – Harvey

·         Banquet – Randy

o   January 25th is likely date. Will confirm at December meeting. 6:30 p.m. at AQ Chicken.

·         Elections

o   President

§  Nominations – Harvey, Roger

§  Harvey won election

o   Vice President

§  Nominations – Dan, Roger, Ronnie, Raymond. Dan declined nomination.

§  Roger won election

o   Treasurer

§  Nominations – Randy

§  Randy won election

o   Secretary

§  Nominations – Paul, Dan

§  Dan won election

o   Tournament Director

§  Nominations – Garry, Brad, Mark

§  Brad won election

o   Reporter/Public Relations

§  Motion has been made to eliminate this role and assign the duties to the President. Next month we will open discussion and vote on changes to by-laws to make the change.

§  Nominations – Richard…declined by Richard.

o   Youth Director

§  Nominations – Roy

§  Roy won election

o   Directors (1 Year Term- 2 Positions)

§  Nominations – Harvey, Brad, Scott, Ray, Clay Tremonte, Mark, Chuck, Richard

·         Harvey and Brad are not eligible because they are already on board in their current roles

§  Mark and Clay Tremonte were elected.

For website questions please contact Jason Renfrow.

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